We are finding 2020 to be a year full of disaster. Very true. But two observations going around.

Disasters did happen earlier also but we did not count them or follow them closely because we were busy in our own lives. We never had time to grieve for others or feel their pain. Now we feel because we are in some or the other way affected by corona ,so, can feel others grief too. We are either affected with poor business, job loss, pay cuts, infected by Corona Virus, feeling imprisoned in our own homes, or financial distress. When in pain, we relate better.

After a cloudy day, and pouring rain, sun shines better and pleasant too. So wait for the rains to stop, the sun is eager to shine. If we withstand this pandemic, we will flourish for the next 100 years. Life gives an accelerating push when it grows monotonous.

-Sucheta Gour