Do not fear to commit on deliverables with respect to timelines or performance metrics.

Your journey to success begins from there.

Safe play restricts your potential of exploring self and outgrowing your limitations.

  • Sucheta Gour

Aim at the sky, Success lies outside comfort zones, Perfection has to be chased time and again even after reaching there

All the Entrepreneurs are over ambitious. They want to serve as many clients as possible and to the earliest with quality, innovation and in great volumes.
Any successful entrepreneur who has been successful has been known as cranky, insane, dissatisfied soul, suffering obsessive compulsion disorder, insomniac, workaholic, over expecting, rude, upfront, decision makers against all odds, short tempered to the immediate reportees from the critics point of view. But these are the traits which led them to where they belonged.

‘Aim at the sky’, ‘Success lies outside comfort zones’, ‘Swim against the tide to reach higher’, ‘ Perfection has to be chased time and again even after reaching there’ – these weren’t just quotes for them.They were their ways of life.
People generally envied them, looked down upon them, and considered them bad bosses till they were accepted and appreciated by the whole world.Only few could align to their vision who dared to complete the race and believed in themselves.

-Sucheta Gour