What is the cost of Compromise? Is it based on the person’s tolerance levels? Or the actual extreme levels?


What is the extent of applying this word?
It spans from the right end to the wrong end.
We see people compromising to the extent of making their lives miserable.On the other hand even the slightest discomfort is called the greatest compromise.
And this scenario is is in multiple stages or areas with different people in life.
It can be in relations like a Boss – Team member, Company – Employee, Husband – Wife, Parent – Child, Between Siblings, Peers or Neighbors too. Who will define the minimum,  extreme or intolerable threshold?
In what scenarios, the definition will hold good? At times it gets limited to what someone can tolerate. In that case, is it based on the person’s tolerance levels? Or the actual extreme levels?

Every relation demands compromise.There are multiple aspects to carry on mind when the tolerance limit needs to be set.
Compromise for the good of the relation, family, Organization, and an amicable living but within the limits of standard levels of compromise and not beyond the level of tolerance.

-Sucheta Gour

Every parent has a feeling, whatever earned by me belongs to my child. How about earning blessings directly from Him, unfiltered, unaltered?

Its better not to give any property or immovable assets to our children. The claims that come in when you are gone are unimaginable. Its like leaving behind a bunch of enemies in the disguise of relatives. Fighting your own kith and kin is a great heartache. Additionally the battle you have to put up for years keep you exhausted on your time, emotions and energy.

And above all, is such a fight worth it? An other fear is what if your child doesnt achieve anything by himself on his own capabilities. By giving him a secured feeling of having property arent we giving him an option to be lazy and not work hard. Are we raising our children to carry only our identity or build their own? Are we selfish than being sensible?
Now speaking of securing their education and livelihood cost till the completion of their education. That is the only earning we need to save and transfer to our kid.

Why not give your children best of the education, teach them the best ways of life which would help them earn and enjoy more than what you could give them.

Additionally, we could leave behind so much in surplus for the society. The lower rung of the society which can even be benefited by 1/5th of the property left behind will be grateful. And if they aren’t grateful also, isnt someone else keeping the account of our good and bad deeds?

Every parent has a feeling, whatever earned by me belongs to my child. All of us can earn money for our children. How about earning blessings directly from Him, unfiltered, unaltered?

-Sucheta Gour

Mother – Modern Mom

Today Mother’s role is much more than what it has traditionally been.Today Mother isn’t required only to feed the child , take his home work, care for him when he is ill and pamper him when he is good.Today mother’s role has turned out to be a multi dimensional, micromanagement role with lots of strategies. In simple words she should be a watch dog 24/7.Today’s mother require more deliberate efforts to make her child understand the difference between good and bad.

Teach the child

  • To believe in God may what come.
  • To match thoughts to words to actions.
  • To grumble less and achieve more.
  • To make them know the world by not shielding their innocence but by making them know the actual cruel world out there -and still maintain their innocence,
  • To understand the good and bad behaviors and approaches of people around,
  • Teach them the extent, limitations of every relation and acceptance to it.
  • To focus on the overall development of self- be analytical towards life’s situations without overthinking.
  • To work hard without the fear of failing.
  • Coexistence with others.
  • To not get carried away with any and every influences around.
  • To face life with positivity and enjoy the small happiness with open arms.
  • To know the meaning and limitations of fun and celebration.
  • To choose friends – understand their limitations, strengths and weakness- accept and respect all of them.
  • To overcome jealousy and share space with others.
  • The advantages, disadvantages , extent of use and limitations of technology, social media, culture shift, modernism.
  • To accept the changing culture but still keep the fundamentals intact.

A mother should focus on their overall
development – their studies for knowledge, sports for good health and additionally creative activities for developing a balanced sound brain.

She should groom

  • Respect the female gender,
  • Help their Moms, Sisters and Wives in household chores,
  • Accept the career focus of other gender,
  • Contribute to the success of the other gender
  • Respecting each others space and financial independence.
  • Trust and living up to the trust of the partner.


  • Be wiser, alert and safe,
  • Love all
  • Know whom to trust when it comes to choosing a partner or friends
  • Not let anyone step on their self respect
  • Compatibility with spouse and family
  • Importance of maintaining a healthy family
  • Carry confidence but not ego.

Finally, accept the modern , working professional, confident, not the perfect ,but still the best Mom the child could have ever had against the traditional, full time conservative Mom because whatever is the appearance the feelings and the commitments towards the child are the same.

Looks like a corporate job description, doesn’t it? Parenting has really turned out to be so complicated.Joint families taught half the qualities but with nuclear families scope of work for Moms has increased and Dads too.

-Sucheta Gour