True Entrepreneurship

When we see or speak of Entrepreneurship, it is about team, Leadership, Focus, Idea, Self-belief, Visionary, Success – all the words that depict the strength and positivity of a human being. In contrast, we see employees projected as victims who need the organisation to motivate, work-life balance, family time, and engagement driven by the organisation, need a complaint box to complain about anything and everything under the sun, and require learning and development support.

It seems like we are speaking of two ends that never meet. They work for the same goals organisation, but there is one who has zero negativity, loves problems, is clear about his thoughts, is uninfluenced by any person or situation concerning his goal, and doesn’t make an issue about work-life balance after working 24/7, has super powers and is above all reasons. On the other hand, we have the employee who feels he is working for the employer with no motivation other than the salary and perks, jeopardised by the process, a victim from all dimensions- society, family, team, Managers, doing a favour on the Organization so on and so forth.

When the gap in thought process reduces, we are almost in the best corporate environment, providing for each other’s mutual respect.

                                            ~ Sucheta Gour

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